Restoration is Required – First Quarter Moon in Capricorn

I know it sounds boring but – rest.

There are too many stressful squares going on right now. Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, and while squaring the Sun in Libra we start seeing areas in our life that we just can’t take the stress anymore. We need to realize that we don’t have to live in this stress. Some of us are still blinded to the fact that we’re even stressed at all and need a break away from their machinations to realize this!

Venus retrograde in Scorpio is now conjunct Mercury in Scorpio – trying to make herself heard and let her own stresses be known, but Mars is still squaring both Mercury and Venus – causing tensions and arguments instead of a healthy discussion. Neither side will budge, but Venus does have the upper hand in this instance in the form of a megaphone, Mercury. The stresses of the divine feminine will be heard.

Empress is at the forefront today. Nurturing is necessary for growth. She is also representative of the divine feminine, who as I said will be heard. Take charge of your social life, relationships, and home life. 

The Lion of Fires is reversed here, emphasizing wounded egos and prideful attacks. Stay calm and send back loving energy. Do not engage in the attempts of others to rile you up for the sake of doing so. If you can have a discussion, feel free to do so. It’s great to learn from the experiences of others. However, the low vibrations of Libra right now emphasize aversion from the truth. Just because you have good intentions or want to share your deep, esoteric  knowledge (Mercury in Scorpio) doesn’t mean that other people will understand that. Scorpio is often misunderstood and we are still in the last roaring vestiges of North Node in Leo. People are holding tightly to their pride and are averse to progression. (Uranus squaring the nodes.)

4 of Fires reversed indicates that the blockage from last week is finally overturned, and people are starting to become a little more willing to dissolve the “I’m on this team” false sense of unity. The harmony that you thought you had is now revealed to you to be unstable and needs worked upon.

8 of Airs is here to tell us that this is all a matter of our own minds, our own thoughts tying our hands behind our backs and trapping us within this realm of stress and burden. Take your fears and burdens and put them onto your guides, who are always ready and willing to carry them and make light of them for you. They are here for you. You are not alone.

My big question for you this week is: what burdens could you lift from your shoulders and cast away to your guides?

The first quarter moon happens on Tuesday, October 16 at 2:02 PM. 

Blessed be!

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