Retreating Into Our Cocoon – New Moon in Scorpio


And then tomorrow I will hermit myself for two weeks. ;P ~<3

There are huge shifts upon us, and we’re going to need to retreat for a while and meditate within our own little spaces whilst these shifts take place. In 6 months, we will emerge from our cocoons as beautiful butterflies, but until then we do what we must, which is a lot of release and letting go!

Venus is about to end her retrograde motion! Rejoice, Taurus and Libra! I will discuss this more as the time approaches, but Venus is currently reviewing all the things she learned in Scorpio and is now recovering in Libra. The North Node has moved into Cancer, which will bring a wave of warm, nurturing energy into the consciousness, while the South Node has moved into Capricorn, which will begin to highlight the problems in our current society’s structures and governments. With Saturn and Pluto here, we will begin to see the biggest breakdowns in our structures in hundreds of years!!!! This is like, Dark Ages levels of transformation!

Uranus is almost into Taurus, and Jupiter is almost home in Sagittarius. These are large planets, important angles, and personal planets all shifting at the same time! This is very overwhelming energy, and this New Moon in Scorpio is the perfect time to go inward and transform in order to better adapt to your new environment.

Just a note, if you feel cold shivers and sleepiness for seemingly no reason, please allow your body to rest. Don’t feel bad for napping or sleeping 12 hours during this transit. We need it.

The Swinging One reversed asks us to surrender to the tides. You cannot control anyone except yourself. You cannot control the world around you and what happens in it. However, you can control how you perceive and react to the events and information around you. If you want to see the world change, you have to change yourself.

The Supernatural is reversed here, indicating that this is not the time to be meddling in the affairs of others nor should we allow others to meddle with us. It’s a time to retreat. Let others have their own views and opinions. With the High Priestess also reversed here, I feel like it’s a calling to really break away from the distractions of others and listen to our own inner voices, our intuition. Your guides are calling to you, but it’s hard to hear higher dimensional beings and vibrations when you’re preoccupied with the lower vibrations of the solid third dimension.

Finally we have the Equilibrium. Balance will be returning soon, and you really need to learn to accept that other people are different from you are. Not everyone is going to like you, and not everyone is going to root for the same team you are. We all have different desires, paths and needs in life. This is okay. Show them empathy. Treat them with equality. Yourself, as well. 

The New Moon in Scorpio will happen at 11:02 AM EST. The seeds you plant now will be ready to harvest in 6th months. What change do you wish to see in yourself and the world around you? Are you willing to make sacrifices to realize that vision?


One thought on “Retreating Into Our Cocoon – New Moon in Scorpio

  1. Pingback: Full Moon in Scorpio – The Butterfly Emerges – Transits – Daily Horoscopes | Mai Gaia Astrology

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