We Need Answers! – Mars Square Pluto

After the frustrations of Venus aspecting the North and South Node on January 31st, leaving us confused and a mentally fatigued over where to go next, the Mars Square Pluto transit can have us riled up and ready to punch someone in the face if they don’t answer our 50 questions.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, of chaos before the dawn. With the planet of war aggravating the planet of death, something has to break. Pluto is also a planet that wants to dig deeply and get to the root of a situation, as it does rule Scorpio and a desire to really uncover all secrets and taboos. This energy, coupled with our lack of answers from the previous day, can leave us with a hunger for more information, though we may be tempted to lash out if those answers aren’t given to us.

Try to avoid being the “bad cop” here, instead using this energy for proper research and diving deep into what it is that you’re seeking. This is a great time for investigations if the desire to punch a wall is better maintained. We could see more wild scandals in the coming days, seemingly out of left wing.

With Aries fueling Mars‘ desires for action and Pluto’s destruction and reconstruction of Capricorn’s structures, this is a good time to act on any sort of cleanse you’ve been trying to enact over the past lunar phase. With the new moon approaching, this is a time for cleaning out the old crops and preparing the field for new seed. Harness these intense energies productively!

The 3 of Airs reversed brings a message of hope and pain. Though you are wounded and recovering, you can utilize your pain in positive and transformative ways. If your barriers were torn down, it is time to rebuild them with reinforcement. You are stronger now than you have ever been, and you will recover from this.

Mars Square Pluto will reach its zenith on February 1st at 10:19 PM EST.

Blessed be!

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